
Archive for February, 2014

In many ways Kevin Sorbo is a hero

February 9, 2014 1 comment

This is one of two stories from our fantastic friend Elisheva in Canada. Will post the other one soon.

Here, she describes what Kevin and Hercules mean to her, and I think she speaks for many of us. Thank you so much, Elisheva!

Our Forever Hercules!

 In many ways Kevin Sorbo is a hero.

Sorbo_Family_23Via his life testimony and life experiences, we can all learn many things. Both in his career and real life there is an “authenticness.” At the core of who Kevin is is a wise soul with good, strong ethics and with a strong sense of family/responsibility.

Two words I can say about Kevin are determination and dedication. At the heart and core of this mortal man are both the optimist and the skeptic. The wisest and most intelligent people to exist in the world were often this valuable combination. For example:  the Legend of Hercules, Albert Einstein.Kevin Sorbo 71Crop

One of the most precious traits a person could have is to be both the student and teacher. With such natural charisma and energy, he attempts to point out the positive directions that can help others improve their lives and inner peace. Kevin does a great job doing that, simply sharing his experience, strength and hope…

I deepRiptide - Kevin & Kids_Croppedly admire Kevin, yes. That much is very obvious! Why truly? He is a wonderful, feeling human being who loves to express his intelligence via light, sarcastic humor.

In many ways, he is carrying the torch, which can temporarily light our path. And we can join him on the path of helping others and helping ourselves. We can all pick up a torch, too, and he loves that when we do: Together as one!

Our Forever Hercules!

(Images courtesy of Kevin Sorbo)

HOT Kevin Sorbo calendars melt February’s cold!

February 7, 2014 1 comment

Winter here in the eastern US has been particularly unkind so far… very, very cold with lots of snow and ice. Brrrr! But, these HOT February Kevin Sorbo calendars by Sanne, Loli and Mara seem to melt that cold away! Many, many thanks, my talented friends!
