
Archive for November, 2013

Kevin Sorbo receives the IDA’s 2013 Inspiration Award

November 25, 2013 3 comments

Wayne ConnellThe Invisible Disabilities Association (IDA) is a volunteer-operated nonprofit that offers numerous services to people and their families around the world who are touched by illness, pain and disability. It encourages, educates and connects people and organizations via its websites, booklets, pamphlets, articles, inspiring and educational videos, radio interviews, events, seminars, projects, social network and social media. The 501(c)(3) organization also provides many resources to information about various illnesses, help with costs of medications, disability benefits and more.

Founded in 1997 by Wayne Connell, the IDA was formerly known as The Invisible Disabilities Advocate. It incorporated in 2004 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with Connell as its president.

Because the term, invisible disabilities, covers hundreds of conditions, the IDA, unlike organizations that pertain to just one condition, does not attempt to supply a vast InspAward1amount of detailed information for every diagnosis. Instead, its website, publications, seminars and awareness address all debilitating conditions that are often misunderstood.

_MG_6698_KSorbo1Each year, the excellent nonprofit recognizes individuals for their contributions to invisible disabilities, such as research, volunteer, impact, and perseverance, during its annual awards banquet. This year, the IDA bestowed actor/producer/author Kevin Sorbo with its 2013 Inspiration Award for his work in shedding light on the three strokes he suffered and subsequent recovery in 1997 while filming his popular internationally-syndicated television program, “Hercules: The Legendary Journeys.” Sorbo readily speaks publicly about his trials and triumphs that he documented in his inspirational book, True Strength: My Journey from Hercules to Mere Mortal – and How Nearly Dying Saved My Life, and tirelessly encourages people to never give up.

Wayne Connell kindly answered a few questions about the Inspiration Award and why the IDA chose Sorbo as the 2013 honoree. Thank you so much, Wayne!

SW:  Please explain the Inspiration Award.

WC:  The IDA Inspiration Award is given to people who have impacted the lives of others with their personal stories of battling illness, injury or disability. They have not only been through it themselves, but have a passion to reach out to others with encouragement and understanding.

SW:  How did Kevin Sorbo come to your attention?

Kevin’s journey was brought to our attention by someone on our IDA Team. I was, of course, familiar with Kevin’s work as an actor, but did not know of his strokes. I immediately purchased his book and read it straight through.

SW:  Why choose Kevin?

WC:  After reading his book, I shared with our IDA Team what Kevin has been through. We agreed he was the one we wanted to honor with the 2013 Invisible Disabilities Association Inspiration Award this year.

We found Kevin to be inspiring for all he has been through, his willingness to share his story and how he reaches out to others with compassion and encouragement.

In addition, commonly known for being Hercules, a strong and indestructible character, Kevin’s story was a perfect fit for our message. Many people living with debilitating illness, injury and pain appear to be healthy and strong on the outside, despite the damages they battle on the inside. This creates a perplexity for many friends and family as they look perfectly able to do what they have always been able to do, but suddenly say they cannot.

Many faced with debilitating conditions discover loved ones do not understand what their invisible hurdles and challenges that can bring about loss of career, homes, friends and family. Many people feel as if they are the only ones confronted with people who do not believe their conditions are real, the person is just not trying hard enough or they are simply exaggerating.

During the time when Kevin battled for his life after 3 strokes, he experienced this lack of understanding all too well. As Kevin said, even his doctor didn’t totally comprehend the struggles Kevin faced, when he released him back to work before he was ready. Later, his doctor jokingly told Kevin he did so, because after all, he “is Hercules!”

Kevin’s courage to share his story has brought to light that illness or injury can happen to anyone at any time. None of us is immune. We do not deserve it nor do we ask for it and it certainly doesn’t mean the person is weak.

Kevin’s candid accounts of his struggles and frustrations are feelings many living with invisible disabilities can relate to. What’s more, his journey encourages people to keep believing, keep hoping, keep fighting.

Here is Kevin’s award acceptance speech:


TSBooksPlease visit the IDA website for more information:

Kevin’s book is available on Amazon:

(Wayne Connell, IDA image and video courtesy of IDA;

Kevin Sorbo images courtesy of Kevin Sorbo)

Kevin Sorbo should guest with Joel McHale on The Soup

November 9, 2013 1 comment


If you’ve ever watched the E! Channel’s hilarious program, “The Soup,” hosted by Joel McHale, you’ve probably seen a segment entitled, “Tales from Home Shopping,” that offers entertaining clips from television’s Home Shopping Network (HSN).

And if you’ve watched that and are a Kevin Sorbo fan, maybe you have noticed that the artwork introducing the segment is eerily similar to the art for Kevin’s exciting upcoming film and graphic novel project, “Chronology.” Scary!


Allow me to explain.

In case you don’t know, “The Soup” is a very funny weekly program that recaps the most humorous, stupidest and oddest bits of TV from the previous week. Stand-up comic, comedic actor and star of NBC’s “Community,” McHale offers wit and sarcasm worthy of Kevin’s witty, sarcastic sense of humor…

So, who better to be on that show than Kevin???

I propose that we start a social media campaign to get him on, beginning with Twitter. (I’ll address Facebook in another article soon!) Let’s tell “The Soup” and Joel McHale that we want Kevin Sorbo!

You can start by tweeting to @TheSoup and @joelmchale that Kevin @ksorbs would be a great guest and how much you want to see him on the show. Be creative!

Maybe something like the following:

@TheSoup @joelmchale Check out Kevin Sorbo @ksorbs new project #ChronologytheMovie He’d be a great guest on your show! #Hercules #Andromeda

@TheSoup @joelmchale Kevin Sorbo @ksorbs #ChronologytheMovie looks like #talesfromhomeshopping Book him on your show

Stay tuned for lots more exciting “Chronology” news, including a new way to donate via the “Chronology” Facebook page!

KevinSorboChronologyCrop OK, I’ll tell now… go to and click on the “Donate” button. Follow the directions… It’s easy!

Or even easier is Digital Tip Jar:

Holy Hercules! What are you waiting for?!

(Joel McHale and Tales from Home Shopping images courtesy of E!; Chronology images courtesy of Kipp Tribble and Derik Wingo)

Happy Belated 4th Anniversary to Sorbo Writer’s Blog!

November 9, 2013 6 comments

This past July marked the 4th Anniversary of Sorbo Writer’s Blog. And whereas I previously celebrated with stories and art from you, Kevin Sorbo’s fans, I did nothing for 2013.

So, I want to celebrate now!

A  little history:  As a freelance writer and long-time Sorbo fan I sought (and continue to seek) outlets for stories about him, things we all know and love, like his work with A World Fit For Kids! and numerous other charities, how well he respects and treats his fans, his many television and film credits (including awards), his love of family and country, his humor and sarcasm that make me laugh, and, following publication of his excellent book, True Strength, his candid confession about the four strokes that almost killed him and how he uses his experience to inspire and motivate others.

Upon not receiving the response from editors for which I had hoped, I decided to do it myself. I consulted some prior and new Sorbo friends about creating a place where fans could express their love for him however they wish (stories, art, vid, etc.). I received much feedback and support for which I am grateful.

One of those friends was Mara from Brazil who runs the Kevin Sorbo Brazilian Forum, as well as creates some beautiful Kevin art, including the monthly calendars that you see here. She was and remains one of my most positive supporters and dearest friends.

So, when I thought about what I should do to celebrate the 4th Anniversary of this blog, I immediately asked Mara if she would create some of her lovely art. Within hours she sent these two images. Aren’t they great? She’s fantastic! Obrigada, mi querida amiga!!!


Kevin Sorbo: He gives me the strength to move forward in life

November 8, 2013 1 comment

Greetings, Kevin Sorbo 81my friends. As Kevin Sorbo fans we have all been influenced by him in various ways, whether by him personally, professionally, the friendships that bind us or all three. Some of us have discovered him by way of very personal experiences, and I am so grateful to you for sharing them with us.

This amazing story is from our dear friend Vanessa in Belgium. It made me cry. Perhaps it will touch your hearts, too.

In 1982, I was involved in a serious accident. I was 5-years-old! My sister Muriel was killed instantly. She was 11-years-old. My left leg was full of scars, causes of serious injury. And my sister I miss so much!

My story with Kevin starts with “Hercules” (when I was) 17-years-old and completely under his spell, of course! Later, I learneTSBooksd (of) his health problems – he had almost died, too. I was upside-down! I admired him even more, and since, it never left me.

He is like an inspiration to me. He gives me the strength to move forward in life, and I dream to meet (him) to be able to tell him.

We are living as we are strong and faith in us.

Love to Sorbo fans!

(Images courtesy of Kevin Sorbo)

Kevin Sorbo’s Storm Rider: A feel-good movie for the whole family!

November 5, 2013 2 comments

Our good friend, Rhonda from Georgia, wrote this great review of Kevin Sorbo’s new movie, Storm Rider. Many thanks, Rhonda!

487568_647807991906232_1101241814_nWhen I saw the trailer for “Storm Rider,” I was very excited about it. It seemed like a wonderful movie the whole family could watch together.

Now, having seen the movie, I can honestly say it’s true: The whole family will love it.

It centers around a spoiled 18-year-old girl named Dani Fielding (played by newcomer Danielle Chuchran), an accomplished equestrian who loves horses, especially her prize horse, Emerald.

Her world is turned upside-down when her dad, Mitch (C.Thomas Howell), is sent to prison for securities fraud. She is sent to live with her uncle Sam (Kevin Sorbo), a1013985_602171313136567_760935247_n veterinarian who is set in his bachelor ways, although he does have a girlfriend, Jody (Kristy Swanson).

Dani and Sam have a hard time bonding until he gives her an orphaned colt that is a different horse than she is used to training. She pours her heart and soul into the colt, who she names Stormy, and he helps replace what is missing from her life.

Sam must also deal with Dani’s stepmother, Vanessa (played by Kevin’s real-life wife, Sam Sorbo), who is trying to get custody of Jordan, Dani’s half-brother. The truth is (that) she (Vanessa) would rather have the assets Mitch has hidden away, and is using Jordan as leverage to get them.

There w530339_642960655724299_79353421_nas a point before Dani had to leave her home when she told Jordan he was not her half-anything – he was her little brother, pure and simple.

At one point, Dani abandons Stormy to train another horse for an upcoming show, but when tragedy strikes in the form of an airplane crash in the mountains, she and Stormy must reconcile their differences and work together to save her uncle, her brother and her uncle’s friend. Dani learns just how important family really is.

I love Kevin’s character in the movie and how Kevin approached playing him. Sam is so set in his ways that when Dani attempts to clean up the place, he gets angry and tells her to leave his “piles” alone, for that is how he knows where things are. Eventually, he gets used to the house being clean.

The chemistry between Kevin and Kristy goes without saying. If you saw (the movie) “What If,” then you know what I’m talking about.988319_650838878269810_1217289711_n

The Utah scenery is absolutely beautiful and contributes much to the storyline.

The ending will have you smiling as Sam realizes he now has a family that he loves very much (and that does include Jody), and Dani and Jordan find they have a family to love as well.

I strongly5311_620734824613549_1776070731_n recommend this movie – it’s one of the best I’ve seen in a while, and certainly the best movie Kevin has done since “What If.”

Please follow “Storm Rider” on Facebook:

Purchase the DVD on Amazon:

Preview the “Storm Rider” trailer:


(Images and artwork courtesy of and by Mara)

Happy November… We’re Thankful for Kevin Sorbo!

November 4, 2013 1 comment


Kevin Sorbo has brought so many people together who share the admiration of his work as an actor and a charitable person, and because he’s just an all-around kind, nice guy who promotes being all-around, well, kind and nice. Many of those friendships have lasted over time, resulting in fan forums, chat rooms, blogs, websites, social media connections and more.

I have made numerous friends the world over online and in person thanks to him, and if you like this blog, maybe you have, too.

November boasts Thanksgiving Day here in the US, a day during which we express gratitude for our blessings. And I am eternally grateful that I have met and continue to meet Kevin’s amazing fans. So, I think we can all agree, particularly with that thought in mind, that we’re thankful for Kevin Sorbo!

Please enjoy these lovely November calendars by our talented Sorbo Sisters: Sanne, Loli, Mara and Malena. Many thanks and great job as always, ladies!