
Archive for February, 2010

Kevin Sorbo in Canada Part 2 – He had knee surgery…

February 23, 2010 2 comments

This is a multiple part story from Theresa in Canada who attended a convention in Toronto about three or four years ago (via Mara):

I saw that (Kevin) was going to talk about “Andromeda” later that afternoon, so we went for lunch, came back, and lined up for our photo ops with him. We were the first in line, so when he came in, it was quick.

I went up to him and asked if I could give him a hug! And he said, “Of course!” So, I wrapped my arms around his waist and he put his arm around me then told Tanisha to come over to his other side. He put his arm around her as he pulled us both in really close! Everyone in the room just went, “AAAWWWWW!” LOL! That is the picture that everyone at work told me that we look like a family in! I started to laugh, and said, “I only wish Tanisha is my daughter and Kevin really is my husband.” LOL! (That’s a dream for ‘ya; not in this life time, in a perfect world maybe!) I then came out and said to my sister that OMG (Kevin’s) shirt was so soft! It must have been 1000 thread count. It was softer than cashmere, but it was cotton, I think!

We went to (Kevin) speaking about “Andromeda” with the producer I told you about. He was answering questions, so I asked him if the forcelance was part of the original writings by Gene Roddenberry or if it was something that they added later? He started to tell us about how the first drawings made it look really cool, but when they first made it, it looked more like a flesh-colored woman’s toy. He then said, “Thank god that they changed it to blue in the second season so it wasn’t so bad looking.” He said a few other things, and my sister and I laughed. He turned and pointed to us in the front row and said, “And you two think I am just being sick, now, don’t you!”

We laughed even harder! He then was asked why “Andromeda” was canceled and why they never did a movie for it. He said a lot of stuff about how screwed up Hollywood really is (and) how they like to cancel really popular shows just cause they feel like it. It was quite interesting to hear someone who has been in the business so long talk so truthfully about it. He also answered a few questions about Sam and what she was up to.

He mentioned that his worse accident was (that) he was running down a hallway in “Andromeda” and it was dark. (He) didn’t realize there was this hole that (was) about four feet deep (so) that when it looked like they were going down to another deck, they (went) into (it). Well, he was running and fell straight down, and ended up having knee surgery later because of the damage he did.

I believe that he was asked if he wasn’t acting what would he be doing, and he said coaching kids in sports. AWW! My niece then wanted to ask him what was his favorite “Hercules” episode, but I put up my hand and then pointed to her. She asked, and he said, “This is supposed to be about ‘Andromeda’!”

So, someone asked him what his favorite episode was and that was the one with Sam (of course). He then mentioned how he wished they did more with the Rommie appearing really small effect because he thought that was cool.

(The Q&A) ended, and we had to wait for our pictures from the photo op, so, I sat on some couches in the lobby as he came walking by and some guy next to me shouted. “Hey, it’s Hercules! Hey, Hercules!” And he turned around, smiled, and waved to him, and smiled at me (GASP). That is what I did!

So, the pictures were done, and we all thought he had left, but he hadn’t, so we went to get him to sign our pictures! There was this guy ahead of us who had a little boy, and the boy’s shirt said he watches Hercules with his dad it; was so cute! They all had a picture with Kevin! The guy’s name was Seamus. That’s when I said, “Like Seamus Harper?”” and he said, “Yeah.” Then Kevin said, “And it’s spelled exactly the same way too!”

Anyways, it was our turn and Tanisha got her picture signed first. I then asked him, “Can I ask two favors of you?” He answered, “Sure.” So, I asked him if he would sign my picture, and he said yes, and signed it with three hugs and kisses! WOOHOOO! My sister then said to him that she heard his shirt was really soft! He then held out his arm as she began to rub his arm up and down and feel up his shirt and told him he was a good flirt as he smiled! I can’t believe she said that to him! That’s my sister for you, though!

I then asked him, “Can I ask one more favor? Can I have one last hug?” because this is probably the last time I will ever see him again (my attempt to try and flirt with him). He smiled, stood up and said, “Aw, that is so sad. Of course you can!” He then came around and gave me the biggest hug ever and told me that he likes hugs ‘cause he knows that they come from the heart! He then gave my sister a hug and told my niece when she goes home that she is to give her mom lots and lots of hugs! And, well, that was the end of my big day! It didn’t stop there though…

Calling all Kevin Sorbo fans!!!!

February 23, 2010 2 comments

Hey, everyone!

I want to make a list of our Top Ten Favorite Kevin Films for

It’s also listed on Twitter at @toptentopten

Not only will this be fun, but we will add Kevin to more internet searches like Google. Then we can post the link to our Twitter timelines and Facebook pages to help him acquire more Twitter followers.

Cool, huh?

So, put on your thinking caps and list your Top Ten favorite Kevin films (#1 being the best) and a short description of why if you wish. Then email me at or comment to this post.

Let me know by Sunday, February 28. I will summarize our opinions and post them here, then send them to the Top Ten list to post on its site. Groovy!

Thanks, my friends!!!  Have fun!

And Kevin: You’re eligible, too, boss! 😉

BTW, check out Claudia’s recent Kevin pics framed in blue… How HOT, HOT, HOT is this guy????

(Artwork by Loli and Claudia)

Nominate Kevin Sorbo’s WFIT as your favorite charity…

February 15, 2010 1 comment

The company, riceworks®, is currently accepting nominations for charities as part of its “Show us your goodness” online donation campaign. The nominating process, which began in December, 2009, is continuing through February 28, and is only open to U.S. and Canadian residents.

Go to riceworks® and register to nominate WFIT. You need to complete an online form that includes WFIT’s website, its purpose, which you can obtain from the WFIT website, and 200 words or less regarding why you wish it to receive a donation. The “Show us your goodness” site offers samples of other recommendations to give you an idea of what to write, as well as more information. Please contact me if you wish help with this.

Following the February 28, nomination closing date, 33 semi-finalists will be announced in order to begin the voting process through March 16, when the three finalists will be chosen. The more of us who nominate WFIT, the more likely it will be in the final round to receive one of three $20,000.00 donations, one of two $5,000.00 donations, or one of 30 $1,000.00 donations from the company. 

There is some incredible competition, and we don’t have much time, but together we can make this happen for Kevin and WFIT!

Also, you can find and follow the donating company on Twitter @riceworks.

Sorbowriter reviews Kevin Sorbo’s “Wolf Canyon”

February 12, 2010 2 comments

Cast: Kevin Sorbo, Lorne Cardinal, Nikki Payne, Barbara Tyson, Jessica Harmon, Ali Liebert, Matty Finochio, Casey Manderson, Evan Adams, Brendan Beiser, Allan Harmon, Jesse Wheeler, and Richard Harmon

Really Real Films’ pilot for “Wolf Canyon” is 22 minutes of sight gags, witty dialogue, interesting characters, and a show-within-a-show plot that promises hilarity. The premiere introduces its characters and hints at what to expect from future episodes.

“Wolf Canyon” opens with a Studio Executive in Hollywood, California (A. Harmon) talking via phone with Canadian Line Producer Diane (Payne) during which she pleads with him to keep the television program, “Wolf Canyon,” on the air following the departure of its male lead. She insists that the show is “going in a brave new direction” with a new star to which the SE replies, “Rick, an old retread like that?”

The SE states that he feels sorry for her for her belief that the program could be a hit and prefers to relegate it to his “cancelled” file. His intern (R. Harmon) interjects that he likes it, but the SE remains steadfast.

Switch to the internal “Wolf Canyon” set located on the Horse Head Reserve, which leaves its cast and crew stranded in the remote Canadian wilderness. Interaction between the external characters serves to introduce them as individuals, as well as the roles they portray with exception of its new leading actor.

This segues to the first of my three favorite scenes in which Production Unit Manager D’Arcy (Wheeler) reveals the identity of their replacement to Director Quincy (Finochio). Diane then assembles the cast and crew to inform them of the change while Quincy expresses his dismay by kicking a bucket across the set and repeatedly stabbing a painting with a meat fork. Diane tries to maintain calm.

Enter Rick (Sorbo) stumbling drunkenly from a van amid a barrage of assorted beer cans and bottles and staggering to the van’s front. He suddenly realizes that he’s faced with his expectant coworkers, waves politely, and promptly vomits on the vehicle’s hood to everyone’s horror. Despite Sorbo’s highly comedic entrance complete with dislodging a can wrapped around his shoe, Finochio commands the scene that culminates with him declaring, “This is the worst day of the rest of my life!”

As the program progresses, viewers are treated to Rick passing out, Diane trying to hold everything together, Quincy’s seething anger since Rick is his estranged father, Rick’s womanizing that includes an unscripted kiss with a costar while filming and a prospective “casting couch” with two buxom beauties (my second favorite scene), backstabbing, backhanded compliments, butt-kissing, sarcasm, the hooded reclusive scriptwriter, and the SE getting unceremoniously thrown off the Hollywood lot (my third favorite scene), which prompts the intern to move “Wolf Canyon” to the “renewed” file. All-in-all, the makings of a great show!

Clearly the excellent script written by Tim Stubinski and Michael Markus takes the male point of view with sexist humor, bikini-clad babes with ample breasts, and slutty women. Whereas there is nothing wrong with such bits, women, believe it or not, want equal time with equally rude comments and sleazy men, the good kind of sleaze…

The set is entirely believable as a film set constantly buzzing with activity. Cameras, sound equipment, dollies, and other film accoutrements litter the background making viewers feel as if they are on set with the actors. Costumes are appropriately casual and stereotypical where necessary to accentuate the characters’ personalities.

Unfortunately, some of the dialogue is lost due to actors speaking too quickly and at times almost inaudible sound. This creates some confusion that is exacerbated by bouts of choppy editing, presumably for commercial breaks. Certainly, since a pilot is the launch vehicle for character and premise, continuity remains difficult to establish with just one episode.

One of a pilot’s intent is to leave the viewers wanting more, which “Wolf Canyon” definitely does. I wish to see more adult humor, but understand that the show at present is made for family television. Too bad… this show is ripe for innuendo and adult themes and definitely requires an R rating. “Dumbing down” for family viewing regrettably loses its bold essence.  

I truly believe the Really Real Films’ production team of Cynde and Allan Harmon has laid the groundwork for a smash hit! I want to see more…

(Photos by Robert Musnicki courtesy of Really Real Films)

Kevin Sorbo in Canada Part 1 – He was checking out my butt!

February 12, 2010 1 comment

This is a multiple part story from Theresa in Canada who attended a convention in Toronto about three or four years ago (via Mara):

Well, it was Saturday morning and I was with my sister and niece. We went in (to the con) and started to look around when my niece, who was 11, saw where Kevin was and pointed to him. I took a deep breath and we went quickly to his table. We were some of the first people to make our way over, so the line was very small. My niece was so embarrassed she was beet red! Probably no more than me.

So, they asked us if we wanted a picture or DVD that he brought signed. I asked my niece and she wanted a picture, so she chose (one) of him with his forcelance. I chose a DVD, “Last Chance Cafe.” We then got our chance (to meet Kevin) and I was the first to say something as he said hello… (his voice is incredibly sexy… just had to say that!). Anyways, I asked him if we could give him a gift, and he said, “Sure.” I said my niece wanted to give him a rose (it was a shiny fake red rose, but very pretty) and I made him a DVD of all the music videos (that) I did. I kind of snuck in my email address, too, just for the heck of it. LOL!

My niece gave him a letter to go with it. He thought that was pretty cool, and then Tanisha (my niece) got her picture signed, and he wrote: “To Tanisha xxx” and signed it. Then it was my turn and he started to spell my name t-e- when I piped up,“It’s T-H-,” and he kind of gruffed, and changed the E to an H and told me mine was worth more ‘cause it had the first official mistake on it. LOL! He added, “All my love,” and signed it. (OMG! He put “All my love”… Sorry, just have to take a second to dream again… LOL!).

He then smiled and stood up as I was like, OMG! You’re so tall! LOL! I am 5’10” and he is 6’4”, so it was kind of shocking ‘cause I didn’t know he was that tall! He put his hand out to shake mine, and I had to wipe my hand off on my jeans ‘cause I was so nervous my hand was sweating!

He then grabbed my hand and shook it firmly. and the geek I am wouldn’t let go. He had to pull away. LOL! I still can’t believe I did that!

As we left Tanisha pulled out her picture and said, “Look, aunty, he gave me three kisses!” I said, “That is cool. Well, he gave me two kisses and a hug,” in a joking way not realizing that he heard what we said.

We walked around more and checked out other booths. Met one of the producers from Calgary who produced a couple (of) episodes of “Andromeda,” a few of “SG1,” and “Atlantis.”

I then said, “I want a picture!” Tanisha wanted a DVD, so the geeks (that) we are went back to his booth, and this time Tanisha got a DVD called, “Prairie Fever,” and I got a picture of him holding a rifle from “Walking Tall 2.” He signed her DVD and gave her three kisses again, and then he started to sign my picture and said, “I am just going to give you three kisses this time!” I said, “Shoot, he heard what we were saying!” LOL! My sister just laughed.

We walked around a bit more, and stopped about 20 feet from where he was sitting as I turned my back to him. We all agreed that we were hungry and were making a decision on where to eat. I turned around one last time just to sneak a look and that is when I caught him doing something I never thought I would catch! LOL! I don’t know if I should say LOL… Aw, what the heck, I’ll tell you. There is this thing he does sometimes when he is caught doing something (and) he turns away quickly like it never happened. Yes, he was checking out my butt! LOL! I caught him checking out my butt! When he saw me turn around, he quickly looked away!

Good Earth Tea donates $500.00 to Kevin Sorbo’s WFIT!

February 5, 2010 4 comments

Good news, everyone!

The Good Earth Tea and Coffee Company awarded A World Fit for Kids $500.00 for the month of January resulting from its Twitter-driven monthly donations! See previous post announcing the campaign. 

 Kevin received this lovely note today on Twitter:

@ksorbs We were excited to announce that A World Fit for Kids was the recipient of our January Twitter driven $500 donation! #goodearthcares

How great is that????

Thank you, Good Earth Cares! WFIT will indeed be able to continue with its fine work thanks to your generous donation.

And, thanks to all of you tweeters who tirelessly sent messages to Good Earth Cares on behalf of WFIT.

Just goes to show that the power of Kevin and businesses like the Good Earth Tea and Coffee Company CAN change the world!



Kevin tweeted this very nice thank-you on Twitter:

@ksorbs: shout out to @goodearthtea for their generous contribution to A World Fit For Kids!! for all the info on a great cause

What a nice guy… 🙂

Show support for Kevin Sorbo’s “Wolf Canyon” at IMDB

February 2, 2010 5 comments


We’re sweating the months until we know whether or not “Wolf Canyon” will be picked up by APTN.

But don’t give up!

Here’s another chance to show your support for the show and bring it a little closer to airing around the world then in our homes.

This is at the Internet Movie Database or IMDB.

You must register for a free account to vote. Once your account’s been confirmed, click on the stars at the page’s top to rate the show.

Here is the link:

Yes, “Wolf Canyon” will be a bigger hit than it was before. They got Rick, er, Kevin…

What more do they need?!

(Screencaps by Loli courtesy of Really Real Films)