
Archive for September, 2009

Cookie news from Kevin

September 30, 2009 3 comments

Kevin added a letter regarding the Christie’s Cookie Campaignkev6 to the Hallmark Channel’s blog, Celebrity Good Life.

25kContestLogo_FacebookPlease see it here:


  How are we doing getting those votes???

 The October 15 deadline is approaching fast…

So let’s get moving, people!

 (Artwork by Loli)

@ksorbs seeks Twitter followers…

September 27, 2009 4 comments

KevTwitter2 copyKevin announced that he wants 10,000 Twitter followers. Whew! That’s a lot. But, I’m sure we’re up to the task!

Here are his tweets from September 27:

ksorbs: do we do this??? i want to get to 10,000 followers. ashton kutchar did a million. how do we make this happen??

ksorbs: we can make it a contest of sorts. but what would be the prize for bringing in the most people? Ladies…i heard that!!

ksorbs: trouble is keeping track of who brought in who…hmmmmmm. 10,000. we can do this people. we can do this. let me know your thoughts.


 We have MANY thoughts… Mmmmm… Are you sure you want to hear them, Kevin?? 😉

(Artwork by Jan)

Cookies for Kevin and WFIT

September 26, 2009 5 comments

Cathy from Scotland is spearheading this effort and wrote this post. Good job, Cathy!!

One Click Makes All the Difference to WFIT

CpiadeNamorados1aacopyKevin’s charity, A World Fit for Kids (WFIT), has a chance of winning $10,000 in a U.S.-based internet competition.

The winning charity will simply be the one that has accumulated the most eligible votes as of October 15, 2009.

The person voting must be U.S. resident over the age of 18.  There is only one entry per email address allowed.

So, our task is simple! We need to get a winning number of votes into that website in the time remaining! We are starting a little late, so we need to get moving!

So, this is the address for those votes:

If you can vote (i.e., you are over 18 and a U.S. resident), then go ahead and get on with it!!!

If you cannot vote, then it is time to dust off all your contact lists and find anyone in the U.S. who may be eligible. Ask nicely, beg, nag, whine, bribe – but get them to vote WFIT, too, and then ask nicely, beg, nag, bribe them to pass this task onto someone else and ask nicely etc, etc…. you get the idea.

Now, I am not usually keen on the chain letter concept, but to win this we are going to need a ‘chain-vote’ mentality – let’s see if we can’t hit the jackpot and get an entire college or school staff, entire sports teams, PTAs and business complexes at this. Especially in Los Angeles!

So pass it on , and on, and on. The reward for the kids at WFIT would be well worth it!

NOTE: WFIT has been nominated as A World Fit for Kids and as World Fit for Kids – they will be added to the easy vote list in the next few days, but we are not sure which version of the name will be used– in the meantime you can still nominate them with the following information and it counts!

Charity: A World Fit for Kids
City: Los Angeles
State: California
Contact name: Normandie Nigh                                                        (Artwork by Carmen)

Happy Birthday, Kevin!

September 24, 2009 4 comments


Please see additional pages for Kevin’s birthday from our artists and vidders …

Have a great birthday, Big Guy,  from your adoring and adorable fans!!!

Also, a fun Kevin birthday link:                    (Artwork by Loli)

Kevin’s golf tournament postponed until June 10 – 11, 2010

September 22, 2009 7 comments

Due to Kevin’s surpresoheavy upcoming film schedule (Greece now, then Vancouver, and so on… how does he do it???), he decided to postpone his Second Annual Kevin Sorbo Celebrity Golf Tournament until June 10 and 11, 2010.

Naturally, he is disappointed, but glad to be working. And we’re happy he’s so busy ’cause that’s more of him to watch and subsequently add to our Kevin collections, am I right?!

Some of us were wondering if we could all get together and donate toward a sponsorship from his many fans. We have 9 months to birth this baby (get it???… sorry…), so email me your thoughts and ideas.  I know we’re all hurting for funds, but every little bit counts toward a good cause.

Please let me know if this is something with which you would like to help. No smut or smarm, though… This is for charity!!!

Let’s help Kevin “fight the good fight,” as he often says…

…and bring some hope to his WFIT kids!

See Kevin’s cute letter at his Official Website:                                                           (Artwork by Mara)

To Kevin: what drives this blog…

September 16, 2009 7 comments

KEVINTRANSCEI have experienced several hardships this year, as has everyone else in the world. For those who haven’t kept track: I lost three close friends, my full time job, two of three steady writing gigs, and my beloved 19-year-old kitty, Puzzles… and it’s only September!

My pain is nothing special… people suffer much worse daily, so I am grateful that I live. My admiration and compassion goes to those of you who deal with physical ailments and emotional traumas that you have so generously expressed here on this blog, and those who choose to keep things to themselves.

Still, that does not make loss any easier.

Silly of me to say that I am reluctant to tell you my Kevin stories when I encourage you to be forthcoming with yours. “Do as I say, not as I do,” as the saying goes. So, I will make this brief…

Regarding the aforementioned losses, one of which happened suddenly this past weekend, I have been speaking with Gina (see her previous story) and laying my burdens on her shoulder. I have been whining to her about my petty problems when she has so many things on her plate already.

Talking to her on the phone, hearing her upbeat, cheerful voice and extreme optimism made me feel better, though not at first. When a couple of not so great things happened to me, she stated that watching Kevin and looking at his smiling face cheered her when she was down. She was so positive and such an ardent fan! But I was dubious…

I have studied existentialism, Freudian psychology, and all the other –isms and –ologies one expects from anherculenetc extensive liberal arts education. I have hoped for the best, but expected the worst… And to me the worst has seemed to come true…

When more not so great things happened so close to the others, I truly felt like the cosmos hated me. Then I talked to Gina again about everything, yet our conversations seemed to return to Kevin: his confidence, kindness, and, of course, good looks (well, I’m not dead, for heaven’s sake!).

She distracted me, or so I thought, by speaking of him and how he helped her with whatever she was dealing with, which I hope she will outline further here. I remained skeptical, but soon realized she was right. Talking with her about Kevin, his fine work, and what a good guy he is actually made me forget my troubles as he made her forget about hers.

In summation, I want to say thank you to Gina, who believes in the power of hope, and to Kevin, who gave it to her and now to me!

My humble gratitude, Kevin…                                               (Artwork by Debora and Charline)

Kevin Sorbo needs your help!!!

September 9, 2009 3 comments

image8Okay, everyone, it’s crunch time!

Kevin needs help enlisting golfers for the tournament.

Feel free to post the following info on your blogs, websites, twitter, Facebook, email it to your golfing pals, and anywhere else you think would be useful.

Please don’t inundate the same places, though, since we all use the same ones mostly. We don’t want readers to get sick of it. Just drop in a word or two if you see that it’s been a while since either you or someone else has done so.


Kevin truly appreciates your support and kind words.  He tries to help where he can, as we all know…

 Now it’s our turn to help him!

 Get out there and get some golfers!

  image5Go! Go! Go!

(I know Anne’s lovely artwork isn’t relevent to Kevin’s golf… I just like it!)