
Archive for October, 2013

Support Kevin Sorbo’s “Chronology” and be a part of the movie!

October 19, 2013 2 comments

cd3b1dcab0fa725da6e13d12c68e3df5_largeThe production team of Kipp Tribble and Derik Wingo presents a new, innovative movie concept called, “Chronology,” a pair of films with different, yet intertwining stories that contain elements of psychological thriller, horror, science fiction, the supernatural and romance. “Chronology” is also an ensemble character drama starring Kevin Sorbo and featuring Bruce Davison that questions the relationship between time and space and brings graphic novels to the silver screen.

Tribble’s companion screenplays comprise the lives of two men: Aaron and Jacob. One follows Aaron, who attends a New Year’s Eve 1999 party during which he momentarily leaves a room then returns claiming to be Jacob and discovers that Aaron disappeared six years prior from the same house. The other covers Jacob, the flip-side of Aaron’s tale.

Tribble and Wingo decided to use the popular crowdfunding website, Kickstarter, to raise money for their movie.

**The deadline is Saturday, October 19, 2013, to make a pledge!!!**

The duo kindly answered a few questions about this exciting project.

SW:  How did you get involved with this project?

DW:  Kipp and I have been “partners in crime” for over a decade. This has been a project in development for almost as long. It’s truly a brilliant story created and written by Kipp. I’ve helped out in the rewriting process, giving notes, feedback, etc. For many years now, we’ve been developing it together for the screen. It’s been one of our babies… one of the projects we’re most passionate about.kickstarter_chronology.mp4-1.large

KT:  The story was originally just about Aaron. In the story, Aaron disappears from a New Year’s Eve party and returns several years later, now claiming to be a man named Jacob. It quickly became apparent that we also needed to tell Jacob’s side of the story. Once the draft was finished, I had a 170-page script on my hands, which is way too long for a feature, so we hit upon the idea to do two films. Each one tells one side of the story, but neither are sequels or prequels, so you can watch them in either order. From the beginning, Derik and I knew we would direct and produce the films, so we’ve always operated with that in mind.

While these are not time travel films, people suddenly being displaced in time is a large part of the stories. Some of history’s greatest thinkers have debated time travel for years, and some people have claimed to lose time and/or travel via a time slip. We touch on many of these ideas, including the dark matter in our galaxy that is blamed for unexplained happenings throughout history. It’s been fun to take some of these topics and apply them to our stories while adding our own spin on these ideas.

SW:  Is there any symbolism with the names Jacob and Aaron?

KT:  There was no special significance other than I wanted to give them Biblical names.

SW:  Why November 31?

KT:  The story was always going to be a winter-set story around the holidays. The visions that Aaron and Jacob share in the days leading up to their disappearances include a date that is scrawled on a prison wall. The date was removed from the calendar by the church after the execution in 1581 in their attempt to “erase” the events of that day. So those things all considered, 11/31 are the numbers that appear like scratch marks on a wall, and October and December already have 31 days, so 11/31 became the date.

SW:  What about the graphic novels?

DW:  You know when you’re on a special project like “Chronology” because it begins to take on a life of its own. It happens as people start joining in to help and bring new ideas to a project.

image-334748-fullAs Kipp and I sought to bring to life the story of “Chronology” through storyboards, concept art, etc, we began collaborating with the wonderful artists at Shadowmark Productions, (who), in addition to storyboards specialize in graphic novels. It wasn’t long before brainstorming sessions began to broaden as we discussed the complex backstories. Before we knew it we were discussing that as the films themselves are companion pieces, what if there was a companion graphic novel series as well to really expand on the stories of all the characters and phenomenons touched on in the films…

And stay tuned, we’re even conceptualizing beyond the films and possibly expanding “Chronology“ into an exciting series (shhhh… still very much in the developmental stage).

KT:  There are backstories that are touched on in the films, but not fully explored. For instance, a man executed by the church in 1581 is discussed, but we won’t learn the full extent of how he is connected to this time rift phenomenon over 400 years later until his graphic novel.

This represents some of the stories we will be exploring in the graphic novels, including introducing new characters that are also experiencing this phenomenon. And yes, we are already hammering out ideas for a TV series!

SW:  Why should people contribute; i.e., what makes this film so great other than that Kevin Sorbo is in it?

DW:  Well, yes, obviously seeing Kevin (which is the biggest reason)…

Kevin says it best in the video, “Projects of this nature, which are so daring and unique, require a special type of financing…” This is absolutely true – it IS a unique and innovative KevinSorboChronologyCropproject, and would be considered too big of a risk for most studios, executives, financiers, etc. And further, would stand very little chance of being produced as an independent film (we know, we’ve been trying for years). The new rise in crowdfunding, specifically, Kickstarter, provides an incredible opportunity and platform for films such as these to be financed (and) supported by fans, friends and family, in a sense, giving the audience a voice in what they want to see… a choice in entertainment that speaks to them. Also, instead of simply spectating, I think it gives the audience, fans, etc. a sense of participation and excitement in being a part of a project and making it yours. We invite and support that sentiment, that sense of community. We’ve also included dozens of fun and even enriching rewards as just a small token of our great appreciation.

KT:  The idea of companion films is something different and has excited us for some time now. But, like Derik said, getting funding for a project like this can be very challenging, so in order to continue seeing films and TV series produced that bring a fresh approach to the medium, we all have to join together and support these types of projects. We’d love to see more of the “little guys” getting their films financed, and crowdfunding provides us with those opportunities.

When you decide to join us, we’ve included step-by-step instructions at the bottom of the Kickstarter page on how to donate and help bring “Chronology” to life.

Please help us surpass our goal and share with us in making “Chronology” a great movie experience. We sincerely thank all of you for your generous contributions…

Are you ready to go on this journey with us?!

Here is the Kickstarter link to donate:




(Images and videos courtesy of Kevin Sorbo, Kipp Tribble and Derik Wingo, and Shadowmark Productions)

Tribute to Kevin Sorbo fan Charline Denis… We love and will miss you…

October 14, 2013 2 comments

994348_454492704668580_637631887_nHello, friends, I write to you today with great sadness.

Yesterday, October 13, 2013, our beloved Sorbo Sister Charline Denis passed away. Although I didn’t know her personally, I occasionally corresponded with her via email and knew her as a loyal Kevin Sorbo fan, one of our fine Sorbo artists, and a supporter of and contributor to this blog and the Kevin Sorbo Brazilian Forum.

We will miss her, and offer our sincerest condolences and prayers to her family and friends.

Mara from Brazil met Charline at the October, 2009 FACTS Convention in Gent, Belgium, and wrote this beautiful tribute:1379400_454492754668575_321847640_n

I met Charline through Teresa from Spain. Charline was a huge fan of Kevin Sorbo, and so Teresa introduced her to the Brazilian forum…

Charline – when she was able to – would write something nice on the forum or send an artwork or a picture or even make some lovely clips about Kevin’s job, like this one:

She was suffering from an illness that kept her in a wheelchair, and meeting Kevin Sorbo was a huge dream for her… and she made it come true in 2009, as Jan wrote on her great blog:

She could not meet Kevin again, as she would like, but I’m sure Kevin and Hercules helped to make her life less sad and eased her pain along her sickness.

Yesterday, the pain was over, and now Charline is at peace. Coucou, ma belle!


(Video and Kevin Sorbo photos by Teresa; artwork by Mara, Evelyne, Malena and Vanessa)

New Kevin Sorbo Official Shop for Fan Merchandise at OEKSFC website

October 10, 2013 1 comment

OEKSFCBannerFans of Kevin Sorbo and his many exciting projects like “Hercules: The Legendary Journeys” and “Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda” among others tirelessly seek to purchase cool Sorbo stuff, including photos, scripts, action figures and props. They scour the Internet to add to their collections.

Well, Sorbo fans, seek no further! The Official European Kevin Sorbo Fan Club (OEKSFC) recently added the Kevin Sorbo Official Shop for Fan Merchandise to their excellent website. It features rare posters, photos, key chains, shirts, animated movie cells and more! It offers such items as the “Hercules Sword of Veracity” and smaller sword letter opener, “Kull the Conqueror” axe, “Andromeda” wrist watches, and numerous DVDs with Kevin’s signature. It’s a Sorbo aficionado’s dream come true!

Please see it here:

Ordering is easy, but, to quote the OEKSFC Order page: “Kevin will send out the items you ordered direct, and as he is very busy, we ask you for a little bit of patience, in case this should take some time.”

Here is the order information:

And this is just the beginning! More to come. Please check the site regularly for new and additional items.

The OEKSFC puts the Sorbo FAN in Sorbo FANTASTIC!

(Image courtesy of the OEKSFC)

Mama-Kii Tea and Chronology the Movie support Kevin Sorbo’s Birthday Project 2013

October 2, 2013 1 comment

Kevin Sorbo Mama-Kii Tea 2OK, everyone, we only have a few more days to contribute to and share the Official European Kevin Sorbo Fan Club (OEKSFC) Birthday Project 2013.

The deadline is Saturday, October 5!

We don’t have much time!

Many of you know that the amazing company, Mamaki of Hawaii, Inc., is generously offering a 10% discount on all orders of their fantastic Mama-Kii Tea that use the codeword “Sorbo” when checking out online or calling via phone. They are even giving free shipping for U.S. orders over $75.00 and International orders over $125.00! Wow! Mamaki of Hawaii, Inc. is then donating 20% of the cost of each Mama-Kii Tea tin purchased using the codeword “Sorbo” to the OEKSFC Birthday Project 2013 in honor of Kevin’s birthday this past September 24, to benefit his Los Angeles-based nonprofit organization, A World Fit For Kids! (WFIT), that combats childhood obesity, provides positive role models, and advocates teen mentoring.

To add to thChronology Arte excitement, Kevin’s newest film project, “Chronology,” (more to come) supports our efforts.

Please see their Kickstarter update page here:

How awesome is that??

Many, many thanks to those of you who have contributed, shared, and supported this worthy cause. We also wish to thank our good friends at Mama-Kii Tea and WFIT, Kipp Tribble and Derik Wingo at “Chronology,” and, above all, Kevin, for helping us to make our dream of helping kids a reality.

To order Mama-Kii online:Mama-Kii Tea tin

And, please, SHARE! SHARE! SHARE!

If you don’t make a difference in these kids’ lives, who will?

October’s here! Celebrate with these spicy Kevin Sorbo calendars.

October 1, 2013 1 comment

Hi, everyone. Know I missed a couple of months of our fine artists’ calendars, but here are October’s by Sanne, Loli and Mara. Many thanks for your beautiful art as always, ladies!
